Benefits of Green Apples
The benefits of green apples are actually very effective for those of you who are on a diet, want to nourish the eyes and nourish the body. Apples are one of the fruits that are easily found and favored by many people. Apple is not a seasonal fruit that only grows in a few times. There are many types of apples, one of which is a green apple or commonly called 'Malang Apple'. This title came because Green Apples are widely grown in the city of Malang. The difference between Red and Green Apples is in their taste, color and shape. Green apples have a more wry taste, green skin, and a rounder shape.

Nutrition in Green Apples

Just like other fruits, Green Apples contain nutrients which give many benefits. Both in terms of health and other benefits. Green Apples contain Vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K. These fruits which are often cooked into chips also contain Panthotenic Acid and Folate. Here are the facts and health benefits of Green Apple in:

Benefits of Green Apples

The benefits of green apples are very effective for various health problems, such as healthy eyes, diet, energy sources, and preventing various dangerous diseases with antioxidant content.

1. Green Apple Can Nourish the eyes
The content of Vitamin A in Green Apples has sufficient or not less or no more. The content of Vitamin A makes the eyes healthier. Vitamin A itself must not be too much because it can make the cells in our bones split. And this will cover the work of Vitamin D that we consume.

2. Green Apple Gives enough energy
Solid activity certainly makes us have to always prepare maximum energy every day. Green apples also provide enough energy for us to move. The content of Vitamin B1 in Green Apples helps convert our carbohydrate intake into energy.

3. Green Apple As an antioxidant and counteract free radicals
Not only the benefits of Green Apple, this fruit also provides antioxidants and counteracts the growth of free radicals on our body. This is due to the presence of Folate and Vitamin B2. So that dangerous diseases also stay away. These dangerous diseases are cancer, heart attack, and tumor.

4. Green Apple Rich in water intake
Green apple has a lot of water intake coupled with Vitamin B6 which flows in the minerals in this apple. The presence of mineral intake in the body makes these minerals strong for filtering cholesterol. As we know, bad cholesterol in the body can increase the risk of stroke.

5. Green Apple Can Repair body tissue
Vitamin C di dalam Apel Hijau berguna untuk memperbaiki jaringan tubuh yang rusak. Salah satunya bagian sel – sel kulit di mana mudah sekali dapat menjadi rusak karena pola hidup juga keadaan lingkuan. Ditambah dengan kandungan Vitamin E, makan akan mempercantik kulit kita. Ini dapat menjadi tambahan bagi para wanita yang bingung bagaimana caranya merawat kulit agar tetap lembut sepanjang waktu.

6. Apel Hijau untuk mencegah pendarahan
Manfaat dari Apel Hijau yang lain adalah menghindari pendarahan dalam tubuh kita. Pendarahan memang menjadi masalah yang serius bila terjadi di dalam tubuh kita. Vitamin K dalam Apel Hijau lah yang akan membantu terhindar dari pendarahan tersebut. Tidak sedikit pendarahan dalam tubuh yang menyebabkan penyakit serius dan menghilangkan nyawa.

7. Apel Hijau Melancarkan pencernaan
Apel Hijau menjadi salah satu buah yang mengandung serat yang tinggi. Hal ini berdampak pada proses pencernaan dalam tubuh yang baik dan lancar. Atau bisa dikatakan dapat menjadi obat bagi yang mengalami sembelit. Konsumsilah secara rutin.

8. Apel Hijau Membuat rambut sehat
Dengan adanya asupan mineral yang cukup dan juga kandungan Vitamin C dan E, maka mengkonsumsi buah Apel Hijau juga dapat memberi manfaat pada kesehatan rambut di mana raambut akan lembut dan terhindar dari ketombe.

9. Apel Hijau Efektif Menyehatkan gigi
Mengunyah buah Apel Hijau akan membuat gigi menjadi lebih kuat dan sehat. Hal ini karena gigi menjadi terlatih dan dengan didukung adanya kandungan Vitamin K di mana menjadi Vitamin yang menguatkan gigi.

10. Apel Hijau Menghindari penyakit Alzhaimer
Penyakit Alzhaimer menjadi penyakit yang menyeramkan karena efek jangka panjangnya yang buruk bahkan dapatt membuat seseorang kehilangan nyawa akibat pikun. Buah Apel Hijau dapat menghindari penyakit ini karena nutrisinya yang banyak.

11. Apel Hijau Mencegah Parkinson
Karena kaya akan antioksidan, mengkonsumsi Apel Hijau juga memberi manfaat agar kita terhindari dari penyakit yang bernama Parkinson.

12. Apel Hijau Ampuh Mencegah Diabetes
Diabetes menjadi masalah yang sering mendatangi sebagian orang apa lagi penyakit ini dapat turun temurun. Apel Hijau juga memberi dampak positif terhadap penyakit ini karena Vitamin B1 di dalamnya akan membantu kita. Tetapi tentu didukung dengan pola hidup juga.

13. Apel Hijau Untuk Diet dan Makanan Alternatif
Apples can indeed be a substitute food such as substitute for the evening or dinner menu. This is perfect for those of you who want to put on weight. One of the benefits of apples is to provide a full effect that can give you an ideal body.

In Indonesia, it is not difficult to get Green Apples that are planted in Indonesia or Malang Apples. The price can still be said to be economical. But not a few who claim to be less interested in Green Apples because it tastes more sour. But the benefits of this fruit can be your reassessment to consume it regularly or not. Apart from being chips, Green Apple can also be used as juice, jam, and dodol. So that we will not be bored eating this fruit.

The effect of eating this fruit so far has not existed. It just depends on one's health condition. Because it contains abundant Vitamin C, consuming large amounts of Green Apples can make Diarrhea because the stomach is not strong enough to accept it, overall the benefits of green apples are very good for health.
